Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 04-01-2024

Welcome to Imcrinox! Your privacy is important to us. This Privacy Policy outlines how Imcrinox collects, uses, discloses, transfers, and stores your information. We take measures to ensure your personal information is secure and communicate our privacy and security guidelines to all Imcrinox employees.

1. Collection & Usage of Personal Information

Personal information refers to data that uniquely identifies or contacts an individual. When you engage with Imcrinox, its affiliates, or authorized business partners, we may collect various information, such as your name, contact details, unique device identifier, and credit card information. This information is used to provide, improve, and personalize Imcrinox's services. We may use it to keep you informed about service announcements, updates, events, and for internal purposes like auditing and research.

2. Collection & Usage of Non-Personal Information

Non-personal information is data that does not permit direct association with a specific individual. Imcrinox may collect, use, transfer, and disclose non-personal information, such as device identifiers and service usage details, for various purposes, including understanding customer behavior, improving services, and advertising.

3. Cookies & Other Technologies

Imcrinox employs cookies and other technologies to enhance user experience, analyze trends, and measure the effectiveness of advertisements. Information gathered automatically, such as IP addresses and browsing behavior, is used for site administration, trend analysis, and demographic profiling. Users may configure their browsers to manage cookie preferences.

4. Disclosure to Third Parties

Imcrinox may share personal information with partners to provide services or for marketing purposes. Your information will only be used by Imcrinox to provide or improve services and advertising. We may disclose personal information in response to legal requirements, law enforcement requests, or to protect our operations and users.

5. Protection of Personal Information

Imcrinox takes administrative, technical, and physical measures to safeguard personal information against loss, theft, and unauthorized access. However, users are responsible for personal information shared in public forums.

6. Integrity and Retention of Personal Information

Imcrinox strives to maintain accurate and up-to-date personal information. We retain this information for the period necessary to fulfill the outlined purposes unless a longer retention period is required by law.

7. Access to Personal Information

Users can access and update their personal information. Imcrinox will make efforts to provide access for correction or deletion requests, subject to legal requirements and practicality.

8. Third-Party Sites and Services

Imcrinox websites may contain links to third-party sites. Information collected by third parties is governed by their privacy practices. Users are encouraged to learn about the privacy practices of these third parties. If you have any questions, concerns, or requests regarding this privacy policy or terms and conditions, please feel free to contact us at email:

Changes on Policies:

Our company reserves the right to modify this privacy policy and terms and conditions at any time. Users will be notified of any changes through a prominent notice on our website or within the software. It is recommended that users periodically review this policy to stay informed about how we are protecting their information. The effective date of the most recent version will be displayed at the top of this document.